Killer Sudoku Puzzles (Fun With Sudoku #233, #234)

I created a few Killer Sudoku puzzles when I was trying to create Liar Killer Sudoku puzzles for the practice of the forthcoming World Sudoku Championship 2016. As Killer Sudoku is also appearing in this championship, so posting these puzzles so that one can use them for the practice of this championship.
These Killer Sudoku puzzles, I am posting in Fun With Sudoku Series, as 233rd and 234th Sudoku puzzles in this series. Can you solve these Sudoku Puzzles?
Place a digit from 1 to 9 into each of the empty cells so that each digit appears exactly once in each row, column, and outlined 3x3 box. The sum of digits in cells inside every cage must equal the total given for the cage at the upper left cell. Digits do not repeat inside a cage.

1 comment:

Aashay Patil said...

9:34 and 5:19