Extra Region Sudoku (Mini Sudoku Series #83)

Extra Region Sudoku is a recent Sudoku variation that I introduced to my students. I have kept more hints for this Sudoku so that the puzzle is easy and kids can easily understand the rules of Extra Region Sudoku. This Sudoku type is very interesting Sudoku type and I have seen many different designs of this Sudoku type. I have created some Extra Region Sudoku puzzles which some Zodiac signs that one can check and download on the Extra Region Sudoku main page. It is always fun to create this Sudoku type and I regularly keep on creating this Sudoku type :)
This week I will be starting posting with the Mini Sudoku puzzles and by the end of this week, I will start posting back 9x9 Sudoku puzzles.
This Extra Region Sudoku puzzle I am posting in Mini Sudoku Series as 83rd Sudoku in this series. Can you solve this Sudoku puzzle?

Rules of Extra Region Sudoku

Extra Region Sudoku (Mini Sudoku Series #83)
Extra Region Sudoku (Mini Sudoku Series #83)

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