Classic Sudoku Puzzles (Fun With Sudoku #271, #272)

Classic Sudoku or Standard Sudoku Puzzles are part of every Sudoku competition. Any Sudoku championship is incomplete without Classic Sudoku Puzzles. Here are some of the Classic Sudoku Puzzles which I created for the World Sudoku Championships 2018. However, these Sudoku puzzles were got excluded from this championship at the last moment. Publishing these Classic Sudoku Puzzles for the practice of the forthcoming round of the Sudoku Grand Prix. These Standard Sudoku Puzzles, I am publishing these as part of the Fun With Sudoku Series as the 271st and 272nd Sudoku Puzzle in this Series. 
First Classic Sudoku Puzzle is themed Up Up Up. In this puzzle hints given are pointing up. The second Classic Sudoku Puzzle is themed X in which hints given are creating four big 'X' in different directions.

Rules of Classic Sudoku Puzzle

Place a digit from 1 to 9 into each of the empty cells so that each digit appears exactly once in each row, column, and 3x3 outlined box.
Classic Sudoku Puzzles (Fun With Sudoku #271)
Classic Sudoku Puzzle (Fun With Sudoku #271)

These two Standard Classic Sudoku Puzzles I am publishing as #271st and #272nd Sudoku puzzles in the Fun With Sudoku Series. Here are the next are previous Sudoku puzzles published in this series.
The previous Sudoku Puzzle is the Little Killer Sudoku Puzzle (Fun With Sudoku #270)

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