Jigsaw Sudoku Puzzle (Mini Sudoku Series #102)

It's a long time since I have posted anything in Mini Sudoku Series. Till now I have been posting tough 9x9 Sudoku puzzles. Now it's time to post very easy Sudoku puzzles for kids. Indian Sudoku League is going to start soon which is going to contain easy to medium-level puzzles. So next few days, I will be posting some easy puzzles, so that children can get to know about the Sudoku variations.
Today's Jigsaw Sudoku Puzzle or Irregular Sudoku puzzle is an easy puzzle that can be used by someone who is new to this Sudoku type and want to get familiar Jigsaw Sudoku type.
Meanwhile this Jigsaw Sudoku puzzle I am posting in Mini Sudoku Series as 102nd Sudoku in this series.

Rules of Jigsaw Sudoku

Place a digit from 1 to 6 in each empty cell so that each digit appears exactly once in each row, column, and outlined region. Each outlined region is marked by thick borders.
Jigsaw Sudoku Puzzle (Mini Sudoku Series #102)
Jigsaw Sudoku Puzzle (Mini Sudoku Series #102)

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