Missing Vowels No. 4 Quiz | Missing Letters

Missing Vowels No. 4 Quiz | Missing Letters

This Puzzle Video contains the Missing Vowels Quiz Questions for Quiz. This is part 4 of this Missing Letters Quiz series. In each of these quiz questions, you are shown some animal or bird name. The vowels in this name are removed. Your challenge in these quiz puzzles is to fill in the blanks with the vowels to get the animal name. Let's see how many blanks you can fill correctly with the vowels to solve these puzzles!
There are 10 quiz puzzles in this video. As these are easy word puzzles, you will get only 5 seconds to solve each quiz question. Try to answer these quiz riddles as quickly as possible. The answer to these quiz brainteasers is provided immediately after the 5 seconds. There is one extra bonus quiz riddle at the end of the video. Write down your answer to this quiz question in the comments

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