Even Odd Sudoku (Fun With Sudoku #67)

Even Odd Sudoku is one of my favorite Sudoku types. It is much easier than Standard Classic Sudoku as here Sudoku is divided into two parts Even Sudoku and Odd Sudoku can be solved independently of each other as Even part of Sudoku is separately marked or grayed. This Sudoku type is very good to introduce to kids as they will love to solve this Sudoku. 
This Even-Odd Sudoku, I am posting as 67th Sudoku in Fun With Sudoku Series.
Rules of Even-Odd Sudoku
Classic Sudoku Rules apply. Additionally, all the cells which can contain the even numbers are grayed.
Even Odd Sudoku (Fun With Sudoku #67)
Even Odd Sudoku (Fun With Sudoku #67)

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