Masquerade: PuzzleFountain Competition #8

Masquerade: PuzzleFountain Competition #8
Date: 19th-20th February 2011
Duration: 90 minutes (no additional time)

Some tips (thanks to players who pointed out):
  • You can visit any time your puzzle contest page and look at your solutions simply by clicking on the link, for example to find mistakes.
  • When you click on the Submit solution button, you must wait for the confirmation of data saved before clicking on a new puzzle link; otherwise your solution will be lost.
  • It's NOT a good idea to right-click on a link and open another page or tab to solve a new puzzle. This may cause loss of data (and in the worst case the applet will work no more). So don't do it!
  • You can also save partial solutions by clicking on Submit solutions (only colours will not be saved).
  • IMPORTANT: by pressing on SPACE during solving, it's possible that you delete all your numbers! Use DEL to delete a single number. SPACE works as ENTER in java, and if a DELETE COLOUR button is active, it will work.
1-2. Masked Skyscrapers 45+85
3-4. Masked Battleships 40+75
5-6. Masked Snake 40+110
7-8. Masked Cross Math 40+110
9-10. Masked Heyawake 45+130
11-12. Masked Slalom 20+50
13-14. Masked Slither Link 35+75
15-16. Masked Minesweeper 30+70
Total 1000 points

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