Odd Sudoku (Fun With Sudoku #124)

Even Odd Sudoku is one of the easiest Sudoku Variations after Trio Sudoku. In the case of Even Odd Sudoku, all the Even cells as well as all the Odd cells are marked marking life easier for the solver. There are other variations to this puzzle where all the cells are not marked and few cells are marked. Then we have another Sudoku variation in this type where only a few Odd cells are marked or a few Even cells are marked. These variations are named Odd Sudoku or Even Sudoku respectively. So here is an Odd Sudoku puzzle in which only a few Odd cells are marked. It is a little more difficult than Even Odd Sudoku. However, this particular puzzle is of Easy Level difficulty.
This is Odd Sudoku, which I am posting as the 124th Sudoku in the Fun With Sudoku Series. Can you solve this Odd Sudoku puzzle?

Odd Sudoku (Fun With Sudoku #124)
Odd Sudoku (Fun With Sudoku #124)

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