Jigsaw XV Sudoku (Daily Sudoku League #80)

"Walking" is the best exercise. In the coming year, 'Walk Away' from arguments that lead you to nowhere but anger. 'Walk Away' from people who deliberately put you down. 'Walk Away' from any thoughts that reduce your worth. 'Walk Away' from failures and fears that stifle your dreams. The more you 'Walk Away' from things that poison your soul, the happier your life would be. Gift yourself a walk towards Happiness in 2015. Wish you all a beautiful year ahead with fond memories and lovely surprises. God bless us all with good health and prosperity.
Thanks to Sumita Ummat for this beautiful and inspiring new year message.
From the last few posts in The League of Extraordinary Ladies and Gentlemen, I have been posting some of the newer types appearing in the 1st Round of Sudoku Grand Prix Championship 2015. Today I wanted to post Mathrax Sudoku but unfortunately, there was one typo in the puzzle which I created. This error was caught during the testing of that puzzle. Now re-testing needs to be done on that puzzle. So I have to post this XV Sudoku puzzle making it Irregular or Jigsaw. I wanted to create a Sudoku puzzle having no given digits at all, but without any given hints this Sudoku became very tough, and to make it relatively easier, I have to give 6 has a hint and to keep it symmetrical added another hint as 2.  This Sudoku is having a very interesting and Fun solving path. Hope you will like solving this puzzle.  
This Jigsaw XV Sudoku is my 80th contribution to the Daily Sudoku League.
Rules of Jigsaw XV Sudoku
Jigsaw Sudoku Rules apply. Additionally, if an X is given between two adjacent cells, the digits in those cells sum to 10. If a V is given between two adjacent cells, the digits in those cells sum to 5. If an X or V is not given, the two digits cannot sum to 5 or 10.
Jigsaw XV Sudoku (Daily Sudoku League #80)
Jigsaw XV Sudoku (Daily Sudoku League #80)

Outside Sudoku (Fun With Sudoku #37) Solution
Outside Sudoku (Fun With Sudoku #37) Solution

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