Consecutive Sudoku Puzzles (Mini Sudoku Series #112, #113)

Consecutive Sudoku is a very interesting Sudoku type. Due to the converse rule in this Sudoku, Consecutive Sudoku will be fully logically solvable with a unique solution with only one hint. I have created however these Consecutive Sudoku puzzles with two hints so that symmetry of hints can be maintained. Please post your feedback about these two Consecutive Sudoku Puzzles which I am publishing as part of the Mini Sudoku Series as the 112th and 113th Sudoku Puzzles in this Series.

Rules of Consecutive Sudoku Puzzle

Standard Sudoku Rules apply. Additionally, adjacent cells containing consecutive numbers are marked. Adjacent cells with no marking must not contain consecutive numbers.

Consecutive Sudoku Puzzle (Mini Sudoku Series #112)
Consecutive Sudoku Puzzle (Mini Sudoku Series #112)
The answer to these Consecutive Sudoku puzzles can be viewed by clicking on buttons. Please try your best to solve these Sudoku puzzles before looking at the answer.
Consecutive Sudoku Puzzle (Mini Sudoku Series #113)
Consecutive Sudoku Puzzle (Mini Sudoku Series #113)

These two Consecutive Sudoku Puzzles, I am publishing as #112th and 113th Sudoku puzzles in Mini Sudoku Series. Here are the next are previous Sudoku puzzles published in this series.
The next Sudoku Puzzle is Coming Soon


kishy said...

1:18 & 3:04.Broke the second early on in my solve.

Rajesh Kumar said...

Thanks Kishore for solving almost all the Sudoku puzzles on this site and posting your comments.