Nurikabe: N1

Nurikabe is a classical puzzle and appeared in many World Puzzle Championships. Nurikabe puzzle nowadays is part of almost any puzzle contest.

"Nurikabe" Puzzle Instructions

You have a grid of squares Some cells of the grid start containing numbers. The goal is to determine whether each of the cells of the grid is "black" or "white" (Islands in the Stream calls these "water" and "land" respectively). The black cells form "the nurikabe" (Islands in the Stream calls it "the stream"): they must all be orthogonally contiguous (form a single polyomino), number-free, and contain no 2x2 or larger solid rectangles (Islands in the Stream calls such illegal blocks "pools"). The white cells form "islands" (which is where Islands in the Stream got its name): each number n must be part of an n-omino composed only of white cells. All white cells must belong to exactly one island; islands must have exactly one numbered cell. Solvers will typically shade in cells they have deduced to be black and dot (non-numbered) cells deduced to be white.
Nurikabe: N1
Nurikabe: N1

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