Consecutive Sudoku Puzzle (Fun With Sudoku #341)

5th Round of the World Puzzle Federation's Sudoku Grand Prix is going to take place during the coming weekend. Consecutive Sudoku Puzzle is part of this Sudoku Competition. So I am posting this Consecutive Sudoku puzzle for the practice of this championship in the Fun With Sudoku Series as the 341st Sudoku Puzzle in this Series.
My time to solve this Consecutive Sudoku puzzle is 12.19 minutes.

Rules of Consecutive Sudoku Puzzle

Standard Sudoku Rules apply. Additionally, adjacent cells containing consecutive numbers are marked. Adjacent cells with no marking must not contain consecutive numbers.
Consecutive Sudoku Puzzle (Fun With Sudoku #341)
Consecutive Sudoku Puzzle (Fun With Sudoku #341)
The answer to this Consecutive Sudoku puzzle can be viewed by clicking on the button. Please try your best to solve this Sudoku puzzle before looking at the answer.

This Consecutive Sudoku Puzzle I am publishing as the #341st Sudoku puzzle in the Fun With Sudoku Series. Here are the next and previous Sudoku puzzles published in this series.

1 comment:

Aashay Patil said...

24:05, very tough