Math Game With Matchsticks: Test Your Math Skills

Within this matchstick puzzle challenge, you'll encounter a mathematical number equation artfully crafted using matchsticks. The equations created using matchsticks need to be corrected mathematically. So, here is your challenge: Move just one matchstick to a new position to fix this equation mathematically. Can you solve this matchstick challenge without using the inequality sign in the equation?

6+1=12. Move Exactly One Matchstick to make this equation correct!
Math Game With Matchsticks: Test Your Math Skills

The answer to this "Numbers Matchsticks Puzzle for Kids", can be viewed by clicking the button. Please do give your best try before looking at the answer.


Unknown said...

that’s awesome!!

Rajesh Kumar said...

Thanks, I was great to know that you liked this numbers matchstick puzzle. Please share it with your friends and family.

Unknown said...
