Chess Challenges: Find Mistakes, Avoid Checkmates

If you love playing chess, here is the chance for you to crack the chess. In these chess puzzles, White made a mistake in its previous move and Black is ready to checkmate. Your chess challenge in these puzzles is to find the mistake made by White and then find the winning move of Black.

Chess Challenge: Spot Mistake, Dodge Checkmate
1. Chess Challenge:  Find the Mistake and Checkmate in 1 Move

There are 5 chess challenges in this article. In each of these chess riddles, you have to play Black and checkmate White immediately with one move. However, there is one more challenge in these chess brain teasers. These puzzles are taken from the real chess game. While playing this game, White made a mistake in its previous move. Your second challenge in these chess riddles is to find the best previous move by White that will avoid this immediate checkmate.

We have provided answers to all the 5 chess challenges in this article. There is only one unique checkmate move by Black which is mentioned in these answers.

We have also tried to find out the best previous move by White. However, your answer to White's move may be different than our solution. In case you could find the better move, please write down your answer in the comments.

Your Move: Chess Challenges, Mistake Mastery, Checkmate Defense
2. Chess Challenge:  Find the Mistake and Checkmate in 1 Move

Surviving Chess Checkmate: Challenge and Mistake Recognition
3. Chess Challenge:  Find the Mistake and Checkmate in 1 Move

Chess Tactics: Mastering Mistake Detection and Checkmate Evasion
4. Chess Challenge:  Find the Mistake and Checkmate in 1 Move

The Checkmate Defense: Chess Challenges and Mistake Spotting
5. Chess Challenge:  Find the Mistake and Checkmate in 1 Move

The answer to these "Chess Challenges", can be viewed by clicking the answer button.

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