Number Puzzle of Logical Reasoning for Adults with Answer

This is a challenging puzzle of logical reasoning that will make you think outside the box. You can improve your IQ by solving such logical reasoning puzzles every day.

In this puzzle image, there are Planet names that relate to the number on the right side of the equation. There is a hidden logical pattern that makes these equations correct. Your challenge in this puzzle is to find out this hidden logical reasoning and then find the value of Saturn in the last equation.

If Mercury=817, Venus=725, Earth=835, Mars=844, Jupiter=1257 Then Saturn=? Can you solve this Number Puzzle of Logical Reasoning for Adults?
Number Puzzle of Logical Reasoning for Adults

The answer to this "Number Puzzle of Logical Reasoning", can be viewed by clicking on the answer button.


Star said...

This looks interesting for kids too. Nowdays kids are more stressed upon thinking logical than just cramming things.

Rajesh Kumar said...

@Star, Yes, you are right. This is for kids and school going students so that to make them think outside the box.