MinMax Product Sudoku Puzzle (Fun With Sudoku #281)

MinMax Product Sudoku Puzzle is a variation of the MinMax Sudoku puzzle. In MinMax Sudoku, the sum of minimum and maximum numbers in the first three cells is given. However, in MinMax Product Sudoku, the product of minimum and maximum numbers in the first three cells is given. MinMax Product Sudoku puzzle appeared in one of the World Puzzle Federation's Sudoku Grand Prix Championships. This MinMax Product Sudoku puzzle I created for Polish Sudoku Championship 2016 and now publishing this Sudoku puzzle as part of the Fun With Sudoku Series as the 281st Sudoku Puzzle in this Series.

Rules of MinMax Product Sudoku Puzzle

Standard Sudoku Rules apply. Additionally, a number at the edge of the Sudoku grid indicates the product of the highest and the lowest number in the first three cells in the corresponding row or column.
MinMax Product Sudoku Puzzle (Fun With Sudoku #281)
MinMax Product Sudoku Puzzle (Fun With Sudoku #281)
The answer to this MinMax Product Sudoku puzzle can be viewed by clicking on the button. Please try your best to solve this Sudoku puzzle before looking at the answer.

This MinMax Product Sudoku puzzle I am publishing as the #281st Sudoku puzzle in the Fun With Sudoku Series. Here are the next and previous Sudoku puzzles published in this Sudoku series.
The previous Sudoku Puzzle is Kropki Sudoku Puzzle (Fun With Sudoku #280)

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