Tapa Snake: T1

There is now weekly Tapa Variation Contest. I have created some of the Tapa puzzles for the practice of this contest. This is new puzzle variation related to this type. 

"Tapa Snake" Instructions

Fill some of the squares of the grid with the body of the Snake which does not touch itself, not even diagonally. Number outside the grid represents the number of the body parts of the Snake in the corresponding row and column. Number inside the grid are the Tapa clues for the Snake body. Tapa rules are as below.
Paint some squares black to create a continuous wall. Number/s in a square indicate the length of black cell blocks on its neighbouring cells. If there is more than one number in a square, there must be at least one white cell between the black cell blocks. Painted cells cannot form a 2x2 square or larger. There are no wall segments on cells containing numbers.

Logic Puzzle: Tapa Snake
Tapa Snake

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