Figure Sudoku (Mini Sudoku Series #76)

Figure Sudoku I created for Sudoku Mahabharat 2016 Twisted Classics round. However, in the end, we decided to keep the test easy and this Sudoku type was not included in this championship. In fact, this is the first time I created this Sudoku. I liked this Sudoku type and I will try to create a few Sudoku puzzles to this type soon. Currently this Figure Sudoku puzzle I am posting in Mini Sudoku Series as 76th Sudoku in this series. Can you solve this Sudoku puzzle?

Rules of Figure Sudoku

Mini Classic Sudoku Rules apply. Additionally, all cages of each shape (rotated and/or mirrored) contain the same set of digits, possibly in different orders.

Here is the solution for Sudoku Puzzle published with the title "Consecutive Sudoku Puzzle (Mini Sudoku Series #103)"
Answer of Consecutive Sudoku Puzzle (Mini Sudoku Series #103)
Solution of Consecutive Sudoku Puzzle (Mini Sudoku Series #103)

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