XIVI Sudoku Puzzle (Fun With Sudoku #285)

XIVI Sudoku Puzzle is a variation of the XV Sudoku puzzle. In XIVI Sudoku, the sum of the consecutive numbers is given if the sum is 11 or 6. In XV Sudoku, the sum is given if the sum is 10 or 5. This Sudoku type is relatively new to me and I prepared it for Asian Sudoku Championship 2018 and now publishing this XIVI Sudoku puzzle as part of the Fun With Sudoku Series as the 285th Sudoku Puzzle this series.

Rules of XIVI Sudoku Puzzle

Standard Sudoku Rules apply. Additionally, if an XI is given between two adjacent cells, the digits in those cells sum to 11. If a VI is given between two adjacent cells, the digits in those cells sum to 6. If an X or V is not given, the two digits cannot sum to 6 or 11.
XIVI Sudoku Puzzle (Fun With Sudoku #285)
XIVI Sudoku Puzzle (Fun With Sudoku #285)
The answer to this XIVI Sudoku puzzle can be viewed by clicking on the button. Please do give your best try to solve this Sudoku puzzle before looking at the answer.

This XIVI Sudoku puzzle I am publishing, as the #285th Sudoku puzzle in the Fun With Sudoku Series. Here are the next and previous Sudoku puzzles published in this Sudoku series.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Done XI VI
Time taken because I forgot to implement the last rule
But enjoyed