Either Or Sudoku (Mini Sudoku Series #87)

I have been publishing the Mini Sudoku puzzles which were part of the Sudoku Mahabharat 2016 Twisted Classics round, then I suddenly realized that I have not published the Mini Sudoku puzzles which I created for the Sudoku Mahabharat 2015 Neighbors round. There were around 5 different Sudoku variations that I created at that time and only a few of the Mini Sudoku puzzles which were used in that championship have been published. Now in the next few posts, I will be publishing these missed-out Sudoku puzzles. 
This Either Or Sudoku puzzle I am posting in Mini Sudoku Series as 87th Sudoku in this series. Can you solve this Either Or Sudoku puzzle?

Rules of Either Or Sudoku

Either Or Sudoku (Mini Sudoku Series #87)
Either Or Sudoku (Mini Sudoku Series #87)

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