Circle Math Puzzles with Answers to Find Missing Number

Can you find the missing number in the circle? There are many math circle puzzles in which one has to find the missing number in the circle. In each of these types, some numbers will be given around the circle which forms some mathematical or logical relationship with each other and one has to find these relations to find the missing number in the circle.
Here are the circle puzzles in which there are four circles and all these four circles are having four numbers associated with them. Three of these numbers are inside the circle and one of the numbers is outside the circle. All these four numbers share a logical and/or mathematical relationship with each other. Find this relationship among the numbers in the Circles and then find the missing number which is marked with "?" in one of the circles.
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Answers to Missing Number Circle Math Puzzles

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4. Brain Cracking Maths Circle Puzzles: These are very interesting Maths Circle Puzzles. Here 5 different types of Circle Maths Puzzles are provided which will boggle your mind.

1 comment:

doctordownvote said...

1. 20 2. 8 3. 2 4. 8 5.7