Snail Sudoku Puzzles Main Page

Index Page linking to Snail Sudoku Puzzles
Snail Sudoku puzzle type appeared in OÄŸuz Atay Puzzle Contest (OAPC)-2 championship and The Last Sudoku Competition Before World Sudoku Championship. After solving one Sudoku of this type one will realize immediately that this more of puzzle type than a Sudoku. However, this is named as Sudoku in the many championships this puzzle type. So I am retaining the same name Snail Sudoku in at Fun With Puzzles website
 Rules of Snail Sudoku 
Fill the grid with digits 1~4, so that each digit appears exactly once in every row, column and every 3x3 spiral. Digits should be placed orderly in the spirals, from the entrance to the centre. The numbers outside the grid indicate the first seen number from that direction. 

I have created following Snail Sudoku puzzles and posted it on the Fun With Puzzles website. 

Snail Sudoku (Logical Puzzles Series #6)

Snail Sudoku (Daily Sudoku League #74)

Snail Sudoku

Checkout more Sudoku Variations by clicking on the below image
Sudoku Variations Main Page
Sudoku Variations Main Page

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