Snail Sudoku (Logical Puzzles Series #6)

Snail Sudoku appeared in OÄŸuz Atay Puzzle Contest (OAPC)-2 championship and then later in The Last Sudoku Competition Before World Sudoku Championship (TLSCBWSC-1). There were a few Snail Sudoku puzzles I created that time and this one I created for 24 Hrs. Championship. From the name, it looks like a Sudoku, however, it is more of a puzzle type than Sudoku. 
I created one full set of puzzles for 24 Hrs. Championship and unfortunately not many of the puzzles I created at that time are published on this blog and currently, I am not able to find the graphics file for these puzzles. I am trying to re-create the puzzle images for these puzzles and will soon publish all of these puzzles. 
My earlier puzzle of this type titled Snail Sudoku (Daily Sudoku League #74) was published under Daily Sudoku League. However this Snail Sudoku puzzle I am publishing under the Logical Puzzles Series as the 6th puzzle. Can you solve this Snail Sudoku puzzle?
Snail Sudoku (Logical Puzzles Series #6)
Snail Sudoku (Logical Puzzles Series #6)

Next Logical Puzzles Series puzzle Akkoy (Logical Puzzles Series #7)

Solution of Mini Puzzles Series puzzle titled Quick Sort (Mini Puzzles Series #27)
Quick Sort (Mini Puzzles Series #27) Solution
Quick Sort (Mini Puzzles Series #27) Solution

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