Logic Masters India: January 2011 Sudoku Test: Prime Exotica

Logic Masters India: January 2011 Sudoku Test: Prime Exotica

This Sudoku test focuses on prime numbers and a few exotic sudoku variants. The points for each grid are prime numbers (19, 23, etc) and so is the total number of points (499). The time for the test is 101 minutes, a prime number, and bonus points are also based on prime numbers. One Sudoku is based completely on prime numbers, and the others are all rare unusual variants.
Many variants may be new for the solvers. So, please spend some time reading the instructions well in advance and discussing your doubts in the forum.


Rakesh Rai is into puzzles and sudoku since 2007. He is an average puzzle solver and loves solving tough puzzles. Prime Exotica is his first attempt at puzzle creation.

Sudoku Types

This test focuses on prime numbers and a few exotic variants.


You may start "Prime Exotica" at any time during the 48-hour period listed below.
Your timer will start when you click "Start Test" — then you will have exactly 101 minutes to solve and submit your answers. A timer will be shown on the answer page with the remaining time.
Submission is not allowed after the specified end time — you must start early enough to permit yourself enough solving time.
"Show cells to fill" will be activated after 51 minutes.

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