Cracking the Logic Equations: Months vs. Numbers

This brain-twisting logic question will challenge your brain. Can you crack the months vs number logic equations to find the value of the missing number in the last equation?

If January=711, February=825, March=531 Then April=?
Can you solve this Brain Twister Logic Question?

The answer to this "Brain Twister Logic Question", can be viewed by clicking on the button. Please do give your best try before looking at the answer.


Unknown said...

5416 is the answer

Kanth said...


Rajesh Kumar said...

Yes, 541 is the correct answer for this brain twister logic question.

Rajesh Kumar said...

It will be great if you can post the logical reasoning used to solve this puzzle. Our answer is slightly different from your answer. Logical reasoning used to solve this puzzle is explained in this post.

Arun said...

Your answer to third digit not applied to June =4621

The second letter ‘U’ position in alphabet is 21
So the same way ‘P’ is 16
So the answer is 5416

Arun said...

Answer is 5416

The second letter ‘U’ position in alphabet is 21
So the same way ‘P’ is 16
So the answer is 5416

Rajesh Kumar said...

When I created the puzzle, for the 3rd number I looked at the position of the first seen vowel in the month name. However, it turned out that each vowel occurred at the 2nd position. So your answer 5416 is also correct along with our answer 541. said...

5416 is the correct answer.