Mini Minesweeper Sudoku (Fun With Sudoku #36)

Mini Minesweeper Sudoku puzzle type first time I saw it in the Japanese Sudoku Championship 2007. This puzzle is one me my oldest creations. Even though the name and size of Sudoku are Mini Sudoku but this puzzle requires quite is good thinking. Looking forward to creating 9x9 Sudoku of this type soon.
This Mini Minesweeper Sudoku, I  am re-posting as 36th Sudoku in Fun With Sudoku Series.
 Rules of Mini Minesweeper Sudoku
Every row, every column, and every 2x3 box in the grid contains two mines (black circles) and each of the digits 1-4 (in example 1-2) exactly once. Every cell containing a digit that matches the total number of mines which can be found in horizontally/ vertically neighboring cells has been highlighted with a grey square.
Mini Minesweeper Sudoku Example
Mini Minesweeper Sudoku Example
Mini Minesweeper Sudoku (Fun With Sudoku #36)
Mini Minesweeper Sudoku (Fun With Sudoku #36)

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