Crack-the-Code: Mathematical and Logical Puzzles

Exploring Diverse Number Puzzles

Delve into an assortment of captivating puzzles on Fun With Puzzles, meticulously designed to put your cognitive abilities to the test.

Crack-the-Code of Mathematical and Logical Puzzles: Can You Find the Missing Number?
1. Crack-the-Code: Mathematical and Logical Puzzle

Unraveling the Mystery of 5 Number Puzzles

Each puzzle comprises four number groups, a composition that entails four numbers encircling the square's corners, and a central number. Within these groups lies a concealed mathematical or logical pattern awaiting discovery.

Crack-the-Code of Mathematical and Logical Puzzles: Can You Find the Missing Number?
2. Crack-the-Code: Mathematical and Logical Puzzle

Crack-the-Code of Mathematical and Logical Puzzles: Can You Find the Missing Number?
3. Crack-the-Code: Mathematical and Logical Puzzle

Cracking the Code: Solving the Puzzle

Your task involves uncovering the enigmatic pattern governing each number group, where one number remains undisclosed, replaced by a question mark.

Crack-the-Code of Mathematical and Logical Puzzles: Can You Find the Missing Number?
4. Crack-the-Code: Mathematical and Logical Puzzle

Crack-the-Code of Mathematical and Logical Puzzles: Can You Find the Missing Number?
5. Crack-the-Code: Mathematical and Logical Puzzle

The answers to these "Mathematical and Logical Puzzles", can be viewed by clicking the answer button.

1. 13
Sum of Numbers

2. 60
Multiplication of Numbers

3. 13
Difference of Multiplication of Diagonal Numbers

4. 1
The lower Right Corner Number is the sum of all other four numbers

5. 13
Upper Number as Whole - Lower Number

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