Akkoy (Mini Puzzles Series #11)

This Puzzle type appeared in the OÄŸuz Atay Puzzle Contest-5 championship which was held on 23rd May 2009. This is my first puzzle of this type, so quite an easy one. Later I created some more puzzles of Akkoy type in the year 2009. OAPC was one of the best championships to date to introduce so many new puzzle types.
This Akkoy puzzle I am posting in the Mini Puzzles Series as the 11th puzzle in the series. Can you solve this Akkoy puzzle?

Rules of Akkoy puzzle

Paint some cells black so that unpainted cells form at least two areas of the same size. Areas should be formed of edge-to-edge neighboring cells and they can touch each other only diagonally. The numbers at the top indicate the number of black cell blocks in the corresponding column. The numbers at the right indicate the number of white cell blocks in the corresponding row.

Akkoy (Mini Puzzles Series #11)
Akkoy (Mini Puzzles Series #11)

Next Mini Puzzles Series puzzle: Tapa (Mini Puzzles Series #12)

Solution of Fun With Sudoku Series puzzle titled Even Odd Sudoku (Fun With Sudoku #92)
Even Odd Sudoku (Fun With Sudoku #88) Solution
Even Odd Sudoku (Fun With Sudoku #88) Solution

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