Polygraph (Mini Puzzles Series #5)

Polygraph is a very good Fences puzzle variation. In this puzzle, some of the given hints come inside the loop while some of the hints go outside the loop. One has to solve this puzzle by taking care of these inside/outside hints as depending upon its location meaning of the given hint changes. Polygraph puzzle type appeared in OÄŸuz Atay Puzzle Contest (OAPC)-3 and OAPC-5 championship. 
I am re-posting this Polygraph puzzle 5th puzzle in Mini Puzzles Series. Can you solve this Polygraph puzzle?

Rules of Polygraph

Draw a single continuous loop by connecting neighboring dots horizontally or vertically. The clues inside the loop indicate the number of edges used by the loop. The clues outside the loop indicate the number of its edges NOT used by the loop.

Next Mini Puzzles Series puzzle: Manifold Dividing (Mini Puzzles Series #6)

Solution of Fun With Sudoku Series puzzle titled Symmetric Unequal Sudoku (Fun With Sudoku #80)
Symmetric Unequal Sudoku (Fun With Sudoku #80) Solution
Symmetric Unequal Sudoku (Fun With Sudoku #80) Solution

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