There are many Can You Find the Mistake Puzzles on this website and these puzzles are very much loved by the audience. So here we are presenting more such puzzles in which one has to find the mistake?
In these puzzles, there are two challenges. One is that you have to find one mistake in each of the puzzles. Another is each of the puzzle pictures contains the image of a famous scientist. You have to recognize that scientist and name him/her to complete the puzzle. So are you ready to take this challenge?
Puzzles are arranged in the order of their difficulty. The first few puzzles are very easy and then the last few puzzles are tough. Let us see how many of these puzzles can you solve?
1. Can you Find the Mistake in this easy puzzle? |
2. Can you find the mistake in this picture? |
3. Can you find the Mistake in this easy picture puzzle? |
4. Can you find the Mistake in this tough picture puzzle? |
5. Can you find the Mistake in this very tough picture puzzle? |
What's the answer
Thanks for asking the Answers. Solution link for these Mistake Finding Puzzles is updated now.
What is the answer?
Click on the link at the end of the post to check the answers of these mistake puzzles.
This is what i think of
1. 5IX
2. S1X
3. 1=One=1 (the second number has a different font)
5. Fovr
Numbers 3 and 5 took me longer to spot the mistake, but i did had a great time
the 5th they used the zero instead of the O in the TW0 -should be TWO
Thanks for your detailed comments. It was nice to know that you had a great time solve these #puzzles.
Spelling of mistake is wrong
Yes, your answer to this finding the mistake picture puzzle is correct.
Yes, your answer to the 1st finding the mistake picture brainteaser is correct.
1. Mistake is spelled wrong. (Mitsake)
2. “The” is repeated in the sentence.
3. Three is misspelled. (Thre)
4. Five is misspelled. (F1VE)
5. Added Zero and “O” in Two has different font.
Great. Thanks for posting detailed answers for these mistake finding puzzles.
I'ts EASY!!!
5. two "o"
The is shown twice
4. F1VE
5. TW0
tou were right i did not see that. Spot the mistake
Eye Puzzle has Great Quizz to increse Our IQ.
and here Mitsake =! mistake
Mistake should not be capitalized
oh! and the Albert Einstien one has Five spelled F1ve
You are the first one to take the second challenge of naming the hidden person in these picture puzzles. Thanks for your comments. Keep solving and posting your comments.
in the title "The" is the repeted word..
No i cant find mistake
This is the tricky question and simply answers is "YES or NO " nothing to explain
Read English grammer properly !!
I loved your outside-the-box thinking.
1.mistake is spelled wrong
2.the is repeted
3.three is misspelled
4.five is misspelled
5.spelling mistake in four because in four all words are capital but only "u" is small
8. Can you spot the mistake in the picture below? *
1111 2222 3333 44444 5555 6666 7777 8888 9999 0000
This was a nice find the mistake puzzle. Thanks for posting it.
In FOuR u is small letter and R is capital.I think that is the mistake.
1. Mitsake
2. The the
3. Thre
4. F1VE
5. TW0 (spelled with a zero)
8. There are 5 number 4s. But ONLY 4 of the rest.
The word two has a numeral “0” instead of alphabet “O”
Good puzzles
Found them all🤍
I FOUND THE MISTAKE IN WORD "find" "D" is made as it is written 6
They were pretty easy but some took longer but got them all quickly
Mitsake is the mistake
puzzle 1-mistake is spelled wrong
2-2 "the"
3-missing a "E" in "Three"
4-uses 1 instead of a I in "FIVE"
5- the "O" is different in "TWO"
2 - THE ( 2 TIMES )
3 - FIVE ( IS I FOR 1 )
I just love for the first time i get 1 answer.