Maths Arithmetic Equations Puzzles | BODMAS or PEMDAS

Fun With Puzzles: A Decade of Engaging Challenges

Fun With Puzzles emerged onto the digital landscape in 2009, dedicated to delivering an extensive array of mind-stimulating puzzles. For many years we have been publishing a variety of puzzles like Mathematical Puzzles, Logical Puzzles, Picture Puzzles, etc.

1+2x3÷1=?  Can you Solve this Maths Arithmetic Equation Puzzle?
1. Maths Arithmetic Equation Puzzle: Test Your BODMAS or PEMDAS Skills

Specially Crafted Puzzles for School Students

Today, we present a series of arithmetic puzzles meticulously designed for students in different grades. These puzzles revolve around mathematical equations where one needs to know the BODMAS or PEMDAS principles for accurate solutions. Each mathematical puzzle presents equations that demand correct identification and solution from among provided multiple-choice options.

Exploring Mathematical Equation Puzzles

Within this post, you will encounter five Mathematical Arithmetic Equations Puzzles. We invite you to engage actively and attempt to solve these puzzles in your initial attempt.

5x2(1+1)÷4=?  Can you Solve this Maths Arithmetic Equation Puzzle?
2. Maths Arithmetic Equation Puzzle: Test Your BODMAS or PEMDAS Skills

21-3+18÷6=?  Can you Solve this Maths Arithmetic Equation Puzzle?
3. Maths Arithmetic Equation Puzzle: Test Your BODMAS or PEMDAS Skills

9 - 9 ÷ 9 + 9 - 9 ÷ 9 = ?  Can you Solve this Maths Arithmetic Equation Puzzle?
4. Maths Arithmetic Equation Puzzle: Test Your BODMAS or PEMDAS Skills

6 ÷ 2 (1+2) = ?  Can you Solve this Maths Arithmetic Equation Puzzle?
5. Maths Arithmetic Equation Puzzle: Test Your BODMAS or PEMDAS Skills

The answers to these "Mathematical Arithmetic Equations Puzzles", can be viewed by clicking the answer button.

1 B. 7

2. B.5

3. C. 21

4. D. 16

5. B. 9

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