Puzzles for Teens | Difference Challenge Fun Picture Puzzles

A few days back we published Picture Puzzles for Kids. These Puzzles were Odd One Out type of Picture Puzzle in which there were four pictures given and your challenge was to spot the odd picture out. The picture puzzles were created for kids and are very easy. Here are the similar types of Odd One Out Picture Puzzles which are tougher as compared to Kids' Picture Puzzles. Soon we will publish very tough Picture Puzzles for Adults.
In each of these Picture Puzzle Images, there are four Pictures. Three of these pictures are exactly the same. However, there is one picture image that is slightly different from the other three picture puzzle images. Your difference challenge is to find this Odd One Out Picture among the given four Puzzle Picture Images.
Answers to these Picture Puzzles are given at the end. Let us see how much time it will take to solve these Odd One Out Picture Puzzles?

Puzzles for Teens | Odd One Out Picture Puzzle Image
1. Can you find which Picture is Different?

Puzzles for Teens | Photo Puzzle Question
2. Can you spot the Odd One Out Picture?

Puzzle for Teens | Picture Brain Teaser
3. Find Odd One Out Picture

Puzzle for Teens | Picture Puzzle Image
4. Can you find Odd One Out?

Puzzle for Teens | Picture Puzzle to Find Odd One Out
5. Can you spot which picture is different?

These picture puzzles were of medium difficulty level. One can check out the following picture puzzles for more fun solving.
1. Picture Puzzles for Kids: These are the easy Odd One Out Picture Puzzles for small children.

2. Picture Puzzles for Genius Minds: There are the very tough Odd One Out Picture Puzzles.

3. Find the Mistake Picture Puzzles: There are Picture Puzzles in which one has to find the mistake in the given picture puzzle photo.

4. Picture Puzzles to find hidden animals: There are Cool Photo Puzzles in which Pictures are converted into puzzles. There are Natural Photographs. Some of the animals are made to hide in these photographs to make these picture puzzles to find hidden animals.

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