Maths Logic Challenge: Crack the Fun Puzzle

This maths logic challenge will put your math skills and logical thinking to the test. There are some number equations in this picture puzzle. These number equations appear to be incorrect mathematically. However, there is a hidden logic in these equations. Can you crack this secret code in these equations to find the missing number?

If 1+4=5, 2+5=12, 3+6=21, 4+11=48 Then 5+7=? Can you solve this Fun Maths Logic Puzzle?
Maths Logic Challenge: Crack the Fun Puzzle

This puzzle statement reads "If 1+4=5, 2+5=12, 3+6=21, 4+11=48 Then 5+7=?". Can you solve this Fun Maths Logic Puzzle to find the value of "5+7" in the last number equation?

The answer to this "Fun Mathematical Logic Riddle", can be viewed by clicking the button. Please do give your best try before looking at the answer.


Unknown said...

40 is the answer

sairam said...

the answer is wrong
real answer is 62

sairam said...

answer is 62

Fun With Puzzles said...

There may be another logical path to get another answer. It will be great if you can explain your answer 62 with logical reasoning!

Anonymous said...