Math Riddle: Missing Number Logical Reasoning Question

Put your intelligence to the test with this mind-bending math riddleIn this logical reasoning question, you are presented with logical number equations. Your challenge is to crack the hidden code in these math logic equations and then find the missing number.

IF  3 + 4 = 19  5 + 6 = 41  2 + 7 = 51   THEN   1 + 3 = ? Can you solve this Missing Number Logical Reasoning Question?
Can you solve this Mathematical Riddle?

This mental ability question statement reads "IF 3 + 4 = 19 5 + 6 = 41 2 + 7 = 51 THEN 1 + 3 = ?". Can you solve this Missing Number Logical Reasoning Question to find the value of "1 + 3" in the last number equation?

The answer to this "Mathematical Riddle", can be viewed by clicking the answer button.


Arnaldom said...


Rajesh Kumar said...

Your answer to this mathematical riddle differs from our answer. It will be great if you can post your logic.

Atukulla Rajesh said...


Amit said...


Unknown said...

How come that you use a figure as a variable for another figure ????

About Assam said...


BW said...

I think the answer should be 5
1+2= 3 + 0 3 d number in prime sequence = 5
3+4=19 7 + 1 8th number in prime sequence = 19
5+6=41 11+ 2 13 number in prime sequence = 41


7+8=83 15+3 18th number in the prime sequence = 83