Puzzle Solving: The Value of a Unique Logical Path

Should Puzzles, Brain Teasers or Riddles have unique solution?

Uncover the value of a unique logical path in puzzle-solving! Multiple solutions might necessitate guesswork, disrupting the natural flow of solutions.

Competitions like the World Sudoku Championships (WSC) or World Puzzle Championships (WPC) demand puzzles with unique solutions. A puzzle lacking a unique resolution is considered broken, resulting in the cancellation of entire rounds. This shows the importance and the criticality of a single, logical solution in maintaining the integrity of these competitions.

However, not all puzzles mandate a singular solution. Certain Maths Logic Puzzles and picture puzzles on this platform may entertain different answers based on diverse thinking patterns. We will show you an example of a multiple-solution puzzle.

Test Your Creative Thinking with the Picture Puzzle

This Picture Puzzle is an Odd One Out Puzzle. It is an open-ended puzzle. It means that there are many different solutions to this puzzle depending on your thinking. In this One-One-Out Picture Puzzle, you are shown some digits. Most of the digits follow a certain rule and only one of the given digits does not follow the rule which makes that digit Odd One Out. Can you find the Odd One Out? 
Try to be creative and come up with as many different answers to this puzzle as possible. I have come up with 5 different answers and logical conclusions to solve this puzzle. Let's see many of the different perspectives you can think of?

Find the Odd One Out? 2 3 6 7 5 8 9
Can you find the Odd One Out?

Now, this is an open-ended puzzle that does not have a unique solution. Depending upon your perspective to solve this puzzle, you can have any digit as Odd One Out in this puzzle. Now If I have to answer this puzzle. I can make any of the given digits an Odd One Out e.g. 
1. 8 is One One Out because it is the only digit for which the cube root leads to a whole number. 
2. 9 is the Odd One Out because it is the only digit for which a square root leads to a whole number.
3. 7 is the Odd One Out because that is the only digit among the given digits that can be formed using only straight lines.
One can get some out-the-box reasoning to get the Odd One Out which can apply to any set of given numbers e.g.
4. 2 is the Odd One Out as it is the only digit in the group that is less than 3. Similarly
5. 9 is the Odd One Out as it is the only digit in the group that is greater than 8. 
Anyway, let's ignore these generic answers and move on to find another perspective to solve this puzzle.
6. 8 is the Odd One Out because it is the only digit that reads the same when it is turned upside down.
7. 6 is the Odd One Out because it is the only digit that we can do with the multiplication of the other two digits (2 and 3) in this group.
8. 8 is the Odd One Out because it is the only digit that can be obtained by the sum of the two numbers from the given set in exactly two different ways from the given set of digits. i.e. 2+6 and 3+5
I will stop here. There could be endless different solutions to this puzzle. Were you able to think of a different solution to this puzzle? If yes, please write down your answer along with a logical explanation in the comments.


Anonymous said...

9 is the odd one out because it is the only present digit which when multiplied by any of the present number and then addition of the digits will give 9

For example : 9x6 = 54
5+4 = 9
Same with others

Rajesh Kumar said...

Nice, Out of box thinking.
This is the property of the digit 9 that if it multiplied by any number then the sum of the digits will be multiple of 9.