English Puzzles: Missing Vowel Brain Teaser Questions

Guess the Word | Missing Vowel Puzzles with Answers

This Puzzle Video contains the "Guess the Word" puzzles for school students. Solving these kinds of word puzzles will help you to improve your English language skills. 

How to Solve Missing Vowel Brain Teasers Questions

In each of these puzzles, you need to guess the animal's name. The name of the animal is provided. However, the vowels in the word have been removed. Your challenge in these word puzzles is to fill in the blanks with vowels and then guess the animal name.

There are 10 "Guess the Word" Puzzles in this video. This is the 5th part of this kind of Missing vowels puzzle series. You will get 5 seconds to solve each puzzle. Write down your answer to the last bonus word puzzle in the comments.

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